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Character Contrast – Theatre Game Combination

02 Spaghetti
Secondary Appetizer
23 Ageing Population
57 School Excuses
Main Course
117 Caught In The Act

Additional Comments
This is a great combination for allowing players to experiment with a wide variety of characters and is great for enabling younger drama students to play status. The Spaghetti games gets the students acting ‘in their bodies’ . . . I had to constantly coach them (initially) to walk to the very centre of the circle and to allow the emotion to fully fill their bodies for the duration of the circle time . . . By the second round, they were very much improved and it proved to be a particularly useful (and fun) exercise. The theatre games that followed allowed the participants to inhabit character even further and to experiment with characters much older and younger than themselves which they universally revelled in. The students particularly loved the “Caught In The Act” performance piece . . . I insisted that they made the contrast between adult and child as distinct and clear as possible (by using different vocal / physical qualities) . . . Maybe I have a particularly badly behaved class but they all came up with great ideas and very strong work under the premise of being caught doing something they shouldn’t! . . . I hope this theatre game combination comes in handy!
Submitted By:
Aytan Hilton

Character Contrast – Theatre Game Combination
1 vote, 5.00 avg. rating (81% score)
  1. Polly

    What if you 2 had an argument, and then u left him! So den you wanted 2 get back with him, but he thought you were cheatting on him since you didnt make enought effort to contanct with him!Then you actully realize that he;8#217&s gone, and he insults you, u call him and all, and then you get the heart break!

    • Geralyn

      Hallo und Gruß an alle Heggestorze und Mitläufer ,großes Lob an die Veranstalter und Organisatoren, die Veranstaltung war nicht nur super organisiert, durchdacht und ausgerichtet, es hat zudem eine Menge Spaß gemacht.Für einen ambitionierten &#1ue0;Asphalt-G2radea2s-Läufer․ wie mich, war eure Veranstaltung eine willkommene Abwechslung mit mächtig viel Spaßpotenzial !!!Lob auch an die Mitstreiterinnen und Mitstreiter, die sicherlich mit mir einer Meinung sind: Nächstes Jahr gerne wieder wieder wieder … Gruß Ducky