Drama Menu aims to take the weight of drama lesson preparation off your shoulders, leaving you free to do what you do best… deliver creative, inspiring and progressive drama sessions, crammed with theatre games that the participants will love. With that in mind, there are two comprehensive Resource Packs to complement each book.

The Resource Packs empower you to provide the most complete/dynamic teaching experience possible. If a resource is required, it will be in the pack (all exercises with an accompanying resource are denoted by a star). So, choose your exercise, print-out the relevant work sheets/scripts/cut-outs… and your preparation is complete.
The Resource Packs are available in printer friendly PDF format and for a limited time only they are absolutely FREE to download.
So what are you waiting for? Combine the books and Resource Packs for resource-rich and deeply dramatic drama sessions! Drama Menu gives you all the ingredients you need to produce a tasty session that the players will love.