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Truth and focus drama games

11 Allan Sells Apples In Albania
Secondary Appetizer
45 Group Walk
83 Embarrassing Moment
Main Course
116 The Letter
152 Space Jump

Additional Comments
This combination of drama games worked very well with my students during a block on truth and focus that I have been working on; I’ve actually used lots of games from Drama Menu over the past couple of years and always find that they are effective in the drama class (I teach children from 7-17) and I find that there are games that are accessible to all ages but this combination was with my older students so, I’d say that students from 12 up would be able to cope with these drama games quite nicely. I used BUBBLES after the Group Walk exercise and and I also used the extended version of the Embarrassing Moment exercise which I thought worked very well and even though lots of the work was comedic, it did require a high degree of truth and focus in the playing as the students were acting out true stories. It was a great contrast to go from this though to the letter as it showed truth and focus being used in a very different (non comedy) way and the results were powerful. Great drama games and I hope you enjoy this combination.
Submitted By:
Sam Day

Truth and focus drama games
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