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FUN theatre games from Drama Menu!

2 Spaghetti
Secondary Appetizer
34 Yes Let’s
88 Challenge…
Main Course
123 Channel-Hopping

Additional Comments
This combination of theatre games and ideas for drama from Drama Menu gave my performing arts students a fantastic hour and a half of creative fun and made for a very positive experience for all! On top of the exercises above, I also used drama game 28 – ’10 Seconds To Make’ and drama game 50 – ‘Group Hug’, I played these between Yes, Lets and ‘Challenge…’. The students loved the ‘Challenge…’ game so much that we ended up playing it three times with different players being challenged and the students being encouraged to make more and more challenging suggestions – highly recommended! Channel Hopping was the perfect drama exercise for students who have a great deal of energy as it channelled their energy in quick fire bursts and the threat of the zapper really made them give their all to get through the presentation without being zapped! All in all, I would highly recommend this theatre game combination if you have an energised group who need a fast moving and fun outlet for their energy and talent.
Submitted By:
Denise Powell

FUN theatre games from Drama Menu!
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  1. Maliyah

    I don’t think she pulled out. I mean, doesn’t she want that Oscar that she is always referring to in interviews?! lol Bey’s my girl but I don’t think she would “pull out” because of her and Mr. Eastwood’s so called political differences. I think she was not ready for such a role emotionally or maybe she just wants to focus on that new album that she is currently working on. Or, wait for it0;823&#she’s pregnant again!! lml